Forgive people not because they deserve forgiveness but because you deserve peace.
Hanging on to the anger is like taking poison and thinking it is going to affect the other person. It eats away at you without them even recognizing it.
Forgiving someone doesn’t mean you have to let them know you’re forgiving them. ~ Moses Chhina
Letting go brings you peace. It has no impact on whoever hurt you. It benefits you, only. It helps you to get rid of the bitterness in your heart so you can move on. This eliminates the control the other person has over your happiness. When we hold onto the pain, we hold onto the experience and therefore allow it to control us. By letting it go the person who hurt us loses all control over our happiness. ~ Mandy Holford
If the person who hurt you doesn’t know that he hurt you, you will never get that apology. Tell that person that he hurt you. If he really cares about you, he will apologize. If he doesn’t really care about you, he won’t apologize and then let it go and let him go. ~ Dave Finchler