Some people won’t understand you

Some people won't understand you

No matter how hard you try to communicate with someone, if their ears and hearts are closed for you, they will not understand anything. ~ Alcuizar Barredo 

The ones who won’t listen are the ones who never cared, instead of talking I’ll just write a message or look them straight in their eyes. ~ Jessyline Maquito

The people who understand are the ones who you don’t have to tell your life story to, but if you did, they would support you 100%. ~ Catherine Forsey 

To understand people one must listen and say nothing, then still say nothing but too many people say too much and don’t understand. Feel think and give support but keep faith in them stand by them and just be there for them and understand a small hug goes a long way. ~ Anthony Fletcher 

They understand you, maybe they just don’t care or even register anything you say and therefore don’t care or even remember, making you feel so unimportant. I try to consume everything said to me and make the moment I’ve been given to matter and let that person know they also truly matter. A lot of people are just waiting for you to quit talking and say what’s in their thoughts after having been thinking of their own agenda while you were talking. ~ Kathy Dunigan 

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